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Ethnographic Museum

Memories from Borneo at the Erasmus Huis

Photo Exhibition on photographs by the Swiss geologist Wolfgang Leupold (1921–1927) and historical photos from Kalimantan from the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV)

The Embassy of Switzerland, in co-operation with the Erasmus Huis and KITLV, has organised an photographic exhibition entitled “Memories from Borneo”.

The photographs on display are the works of Swiss geologist Wolfgang Leupold in the 1920s as well as a few from the collection of the KITLV. The exhibition opened on 22 April at 19.00 hrs by the Ambassadors of Switzerland and The Netherlands. The exhibition will run until 6 May. The film “The Headhunters of Borneo” by Victor von Plessen will be shown on the opening evening and throughout the exhibition period.

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Paola von Wyss-Giacosa and Andreas Isler: Memori dari Kalimantan / Memories from Borneo 1921–1927. Dokumentasi foto oleh ahli geologi Swiss Wolfgang Leupold / Photographs by the Swiss geologist Wolfgang Leupold. Museum Etnografi Universitas Zurich / Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zurich 2013.
ISBN 978-3-909105-56-4
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Buku Memori dari Kalimantan